Rocky Mountain High

Having soon discovered that they had been completely outwitted, the police staked – out the ramp at Winnipeg St Andrew’s confident in the knowledge that the end game was near. Meanwhile, in downtown Winnipeg the Lelystad Six were reveling in their ability to stay one jump ahead of the law. Spotted by a local “Hack” in Earl’s, a neighbourhood steak house cum speak-easy, the gang were enjoying some freedom in the belief that perhaps, after all, they would achieve their goal. The steaks were rare (and high)…the beers were cool and the amply-endowed staff each had the same telephone number 36-26-36. What more could anyone want?

The mastermind behind the audacious scheme, Captain Darling, had yet another ace up his sleeve however, and employed a diversionary tatic which saw four of the gang hijacking a MPV and heading for the boarder – stopping only briefly for an Egg-Mcmuffin. With the attention of the police now otherwise diverted, the Flying Dutchman plus the remaining desperado seized their chance and in a flash were off the ground and headind due south VFR to the crop-dusting strip at Pembina to clear customs…a vicious, ruthless criminal he may have been but you don’t mess with the US Customes. With the law thrown totally off balance, the “Six” now reunited could take life easy and having stopped off at Grande Forks, North Dakota for fuel continued south west and hold-up for the night in Denver Colorado. This was no Holiday. Inn fact it was tough, miserable experience…six more beers please honey.

Great pictures by Paul Filmer - click the link below

Many magnificent pictures can be seen in comment 15 in "Escape the Icecap"
Anonymous, at 9:07 AM
FiFi Kate left Denver just after 6AM local time.
Sorry I missed you guys at sparrows fart - just caught you taxiing out and the kind FBO took me to the edge of the taxiway for some shots.
I'm sure the trip over the mountians was spectacular at that time in the morning.
FiFi Kate outbound
FiFi Kate yesterday
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
Excellent pictures Paul.
And the Grand Canyon's next... ;-)
If all pictures are put together somewhere, it'll be an unbelievable reconstruction of their voyage.
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
Great trip, can`t wait to watch the DVD!!!
Martijn, regel dat ff!!
The Sheetmetalhero`s
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
Fifi-Kate landed at Grand Canyon Airport at 08.40 local time to refuel for the last part of her epic trip from Lelystad in Holland, across the Greenland Ice Cap, to John Wayne Airport, Orange County. Take-off to John Wayne estimated 09.40 local time.
Bon voyage, chaps. Fx
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM
Hollywood called and they want the movie rights to your epic journey. What should I tell them?
Bob and I just love your blog. Really fun to follow you blokes.
Anonymous, at 7:15 PM
Fifi-Kate landed at John Wayne Airport at 1300 local time.
Congratulations! Well done chaps! Well done Fifi-Kate!
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
Congratulations and safe home with common carrier.
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
felicitations !!!
en gefeliciteerd!!!
We wonder what souvenir you will take home for us.
now get to your new home, sweet home!!
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
Tony and crew
Just received news from Felicity of your safe and timely arrival at destination.
Warmest congrats to you all. Look forward to seeing you back here in due course, meanwhile we are lifting a glass to you all.
Jack and Shelagh
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM
Hip, Hip, Hooraaaaaay!
Woodie says your trip is completed, all safe and sound. Bittersweet I'm sure. Thanks for sharing w us Tony and friends.
Anonymous, at 2:59 AM
Congratulations! Love Kate & Suzie
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM
Just a heads up, that first picture is at GFK. Actually, GFK Flight Support happened to fuel Fifi Kate...we have a picture of it. Looks like the same picture that you have.
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM
in case the person who looks after this blog is still looking, the link to the photos posted have changed to allow a comment system:
Paul Filmer, at 6:27 AM
the link in the text has changed to
Paul Filmer, at 8:05 PM
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